16-Dec-23 19:58:27 INFO Start cloth cover detector module version 2.1! 16-Dec-23 19:58:27 INFO sourceFile(scandata) : '/item/smithiana2200sout_0_scandata.xml' -> targetFile(log-file) '/item/smithiana2200sout_0_cloth_detection.log' 16-Dec-23 19:58:27 INFO Using /item/smithiana2200sout_0_cloth_detection.log to find imagestack 16-Dec-23 19:58:27 INFO Successfully found imagestack path - /item/smithiana2200sout_0_jp2.zip 16-Dec-23 19:58:29 INFO Image measurements data: [144.11246478873238, 55.061354634684626, 9.673021266160161, 0.04482104006150726, 13.613044794664615, 0.1828374039972072, 0.027723099957015506, 0.8679302658046758, 0.07827677112269929, 45.468460880420814] 16-Dec-23 19:58:29 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 1: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.9766001252496067 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Image measurements data: [204.810625, 32.06824599191955, 4.288731221342764, 0.03694212367894887, 4.765640270223546, 0.22293372390016417, 0.028455222523829295, 0.9737172585877493, 0.006245418428809432, 3.1469058602150075] 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 28: 'is cloth' - True, 'edge level' - 0.21145464122520274 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Index number of page 1 is 1 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Index number of page 28 is 28 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Save new scandata with tag 'clothCover' in /item/smithiana2200sout_0_scandata.xml 16-Dec-23 19:58:31 INFO Successful finish cloth-cover detector!